Without the reassurance of logical systems or the resignation of blind acceptance, the tragic figure must attempt to understand experience in the face of all its complexity and ambiguity
and to take responsibility for creating meaning and value in a world in which fundamental questions often have no reassuring answers.

Morale is high. They express their views of peace for the future world. They work in seeming darkness. For us who can see it is difficult to image their world. They say an inner eye is
like hearing someone coming long before a seeing person realises it. Other senses are highly activated. The work of the mind is something else when everything has to rely on sense
data minus what the eye can tell one. If anything is afoot, they sense it. That makes them highly sensitive as to what is going on in society and both mentally but also physically they rely
for survival on other skills, but above all on the decency of every other human being to help them cross the street whenever there is need to. Their defenseless nature makes them most
strong in terms of the moral spirit, a conviction in the goodness of every other human being.

Ils vivent au centre de la terre
Reste sous terre
Scient l'arbre du monde
Pour qu'ils s'effondrent avec la terre
Quand ils vont voir la dernière partie
Pause de l'aube
Ils sont capables de venir à la surface
Ils oublient l'arbre
Une quinzaine de jours pendant lesquels le soleil cesse son mouvement saisonnier
Le soleil ne bougera plus avant le 6 janvier
Ils ne peuvent compter que jusqu’à deux
Trois est un nombre sacré
Ils refusent de le prononcer
Le soleil se remet à bouger
Ils rentrent dans la terre
Pendant leur absence l'arbre du monde s'est guéri
Jusqu'à l'année prochaine
Comme une horloge sort leur grande scie
Et ils recommencent à tout réduire

Pour éviter la capture dans un piège à harpe

une chauve-souris doit produire un appel

d'écholocation qui écho du piège avec

une intensité suffisante pour être audible

à une distance qui donne à la chauve-souris

le temps de prendre des mesures évasives.

Le temps de prendre des mesures évasives.

Mais tout à coup, alors que nous nous débattions dans un virage, nous apercevons des
murs, des sommets d'herbes, un cri de cris, un tourbillon de membres, une masse de
mains qui claquent des mains, des pieds et des corps se balançant, des yeux qui
roulent, une secousse violente du corps pour libérer les graines de la vie, sous le
relâchement du feuillage lourd et immobile.

quand les chauves-souris sont mortes, notre conscience de l’impact des créatures pour
notre écosystème a grandi

They live at the centre of the earth
Stay underground
Sawing the world tree
So that it will collapse
Along with the earth
When they are about to saw the final part
Dawn breaks
They are able to come to the surface
They forget the tree
A fortnight during which time the sun ceases its seasonal movement
The sun will not move again until 6th January
They can only count to two
Three is a holy number
They refuse to pronounce it
The sun starts moving again
They go back inside the Earth
During their absence the world tree has healed itself
Until next year
Like clockwork out comes their large saw
And they start to chop it down all over again

To avoid capture in a harp trap a bat

must produce an echolocation call that re-

flects from the trap with sufficient intensity

to be audible at a distance that gives the bat

the time to take evasive action.

The time to take evasive action.

But suddenly, as we struggled round a bend, there would be a glimpse of rush walls,
of peaked grass–roofs, a burst of yells, a whirl of limbs, a mass of hands clapping,
of feet stamping, of bodies swaying, of eyes rolling, a violent shaking of the body to
release the seeds of life, under the droop of heavy and motionless foliage.

as the bats have died, our awareness of how critical the creatures are to our
ecosystem has grown

Folk Hall for a Village
VIE D’ANGE, Montréal QC

Harp Trap
Aluminium, canvas, cotton, convex mirror
Replica of mural made by blind children on the topic of peace, live-trap for bats used in conservation work

Social Stomach

Wooden onion drying rack, onions, christmas pyramid
